Message type 'CRESTA' (FM - IDOC_INPUT_CRESTA) is used to distribute the credit management information between SAP systems and Non-SAP to SAP systems in case of business uses central finance.
Standard SAP has provided transaction Code 'FCV1' is create A/R summary report which will subsequently generate CRESTA IDoc with customer credit information.
This program creates A/R summary data within a control area per credit account. This data can then be used either within distributed credit management, or in a non-distributed system.
CRESTA IDoc will not update the credit master data (FD32) in the the target system instead it will update A/R summary data in the credit master data.
In technical terms, System will not update table KNKK ( Credit Master data) instead it updates KNKKF* tables (Credit Management: FI Status Data).
While creating the sales order, system will perform credit check based on the data from AR summary data but not based on the credit master data.
Limitations :
Credit check based on the A/R summary data will not support Dynamic credit check functionality as time horizon will not be updated in the credit master data through CRESTA IDoc which is subsequently used in credit check while transaction processing.
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