At times, business users do purchase orders for the purchase requisitions created through sales orders. Again, after few days business users will try to use the same purchase requisitions to create new purchase orders.
In this situation, SAP throws the
error message Error '06249' even though it is maintained as a warning
message in system messages.
This is standard SAP
functionality and below is the workaround need be implemented as proposed by
SAP in the note mentioned in the subject line.
The following
workarounds are possible - from both MM and SD perspectives:
- Solution for MM side:
- Use the already existing PO + item.
- In this existing PO item, please create a new
delivery schedule (tab "delivery schedule") for the new delivery
date and the open units, then the system will allow you to continue.
- or -
- Solution for SD side:
- Create a new schedule line in the old sales order item,
or create a new item in the sales order for the remaining quantity.
- You are then able to create a new purchase
requisition, and this new purchase requisition can then be converted
to a new PO.
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