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Logic to fetch supply chain unit address

 Below is the logic to fetch the supply chain unit (SCU) address : Pass the warehouse ID ( Location ID) from the /SCDL/DB_PROCH_O ( Delivery header ) into table /SCWM/T300_MD (Assignments: Warehouse Number/Business Partner) and fetch SCU  Pass the SCU into table BUT020 and fetch the ADDRNUMBER Pass the  ADDRNUMBER into table ADRC to fetch the address 

EWM commonly used tables and FM's

 /SCDL/DB_DLVH_O - Outbound Delivery Header  /SCDL/DB_DLVI_O - Outbound Delivery Item /SCDL/DB_PROCH_O - Outbound Delivery Order Header /SCDL/DB_PROCI_O - Outbound Delivery Order Item /SCDL/DB_REFDOC - Reference /SCDL/DB_BPLOC - Partner/Location /SCDL/DB_PROCH_P - Production Material  Request  Header /SCDL/DB_PROCH_I -  Inbound Delivery: Header /SCDL/DB_PROCI_I -  Inbound Delivery: Item /SCWM/ORDIM_O - Warehouse Tasks Open /SCWM/ORDIM_C - Warehouse Tasks Confirmed /SCWM/DB_ITEMWT - Warehouse Tasks for Delivery Item PPFTTRIGG - PPF: Actions /SCWM/HUHDR - Handling unit header /SCWM/GMHUITM  - Handling Unit Item /SCWM/TU_DLV - Assignment of Deliveries and HUs to Transportation Units T307 - Storage Unit Types Below are the commonly used FM's /SCWM/PACK_UNPACK /SCWM/HUHDR_CREATE - Create HU Header /SCWM/DIFF_HUITM_CHANGE - LOCAL: Change HUs on Difference Analyzer /SCWM/PPF_POST_GM -...

[SAP SD] Accounting document exit

 At times, there will be a situation where you want to control the accounting document type, not based on the billing type ( which in general is a standard behaviour) instead should determine it in a custom manner like based on company code etc. In this situation to accomplish the requirement, below below-mentioned exit needs to be implemented. EXIT_SAPLV60B_001

[SAP EWM] Storage type roles

 Standard Storage Type A physical area in the warehouse where products are stored. SAP has pre-configured a number of standard storage types. Identification Point An area within a warehouse where goods are labelled, identified, and/or checked during the putaway process. Pick Point A physical area within the warehouse where goods are checked, labeled, inspected, and/or packed during the goods removal process. Identification and Pick Point An area within a warehouse where both identification (Identification Point) and picking (Pick Point) takes place. Staging Area Group A material staging area, or many material staging areas, in the warehouse. Work Center A physical area within the warehouse where processes such as deconsolidation, inspection, packing or value added service processing take place. Doors A door or many doors is a certain physical location within a warehouse, for example, the doors to the west of the warehouse. Yard A yard adjacent to the warehouse. Automati...

Important SAP Notes of SAP EWM

 SAP note “1606493 – SAP EWM deployment options best practices”.  The major differences between embedded EWM in SAP S/4HANA 2020 and a de-central EWM are described in SAP note “2938306 - SAP S/4HANA 2020: Release information and restrictions for EWM in SAP S/4HANA”  2938308 - Release information and restrictions of Decentralized EWM on S/4HANA 2020” Stock Room Management reuses major parts of LE-WM and can be used beyond 2025. For details about this solution see the SAP Note 2270211 - S4TWL - Warehouse Management (WM). 2808143 - Overview: Batch management for decentralized EWM SAP S/4HANA” for details about the limitations and supported processes.